Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What's with them?

Psychiatric treatment in Brazil is, with a few exceptions that prove the rule, a joke. There is a variety of freaks attending and worse, with the AUTHORITY to prescribe all sorts of poison at their will. Below are some examples:

- KNOW-IT-ALL: This is the one who will see and diagnose you in 15 minutes. Rude-mannered, he will not answer your questions (if you dare to have any) or, if much, he will answer in a way so as to "put you in your own place". WHO are you to think you deserve to know what is going on with you or what those tons of medications are intended to do? Most of the times this type of psychiatrist is the most expensive, too. Ever heard about his/her trips to Aspen, N.Y. and all sorts of charming places, just when you need him/her most? Well, you pay for them, so do not complain...

- You-are-my-GUINEA PIG: Since he works for institutions, too, he's developed a nasty habit: to TEST, like a mad scientist, what kinds of different things can happen to a patient receiving doses NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE of some mysterious, newly-released medication. Within this category, there are those who SELF-test medications. If it does not KILL them, well, it must be good. Like all bodies will respond the same to all medications. This psychiatrist DOES HAVE a VAGUE idea of what condition you might have. Probably the same YOU guessed on the net.

- Let's-BOMB-UP-THE-MOSQUITO: The saying "Best fragrances come in small bottles" does not apply here. What's the point in starting treatment with small doses, to accostume the body with the new substance it's being forced to accomodate? This type is known for its disregard with saving ammunition when hunting.

- It's ALL-IN-YOUR-HEAD: Of COURSE it is!!!!! BUT I need the right MEDICINE to help me get through it! This type is the one who will sigh when prescribing something to you other than looking at the blue skies and shining stars and the beauty of (everybody else's) life.

There are many other species, but I'll not bore you with those. Suffice to inquire, why is everybody so in doubt about why suicide rates are on a non-stop escalating spree?

1 comment:

Kat said...

not to mention the public service, when you walk in to get an appointment and they set you to have a triage 6 months later - and if you don't have your meds all this time, well, that's a good way to learn how to live without them...